Mass Displacement Of People-The Uprooting of Nations Part 2

Shan Cousins
3 min readApr 13, 2022


Photo by Ahmed akacha:

Part 1 of this series shows the extent of mass displacement. Mass displacement is not simply a matter of persons escaping drastic situations to find better. These people are continuously met with abuse and exploitation along the way. Thrown into the sea of the unknown. It is not very easy for one to find comfort when running from danger.


The instability in the political framework was an open advantage for the Houthis movement. A civil war broke out in this region where religious and cultural differences were prime factors. The Houthis seized control of the northern section and then advanced southwards, which resulted in the President fleeing the country. Saudi Arabia-led-military then launched an attack against the Iranian-backed Houthis.

This conflict caused the mass displacement of millions of people. It has also caused deaths in the hundreds of thousands. The United Nations claim the situation in Yemen to be the worst humanitarian crisis. Millions are on the brink of famine, with lurking disease outbreaks. Displaced people do not have access to clean water as well as needed medical facilities. Humanitarian aid is also greatly restricted due to Saudi Arabia’s blockade of Yemen’s ports.

Sudanese People

Sudan is overwhelmed by political instability. Though there was a political transition that was to take place, the military carried out a coup. This displeased the people as they rejected the military takeover. Protests were conducted as a result and had been violently dealt with by the security forces. Pro-democracy and civil society leaders have been actively calling for a civilian-led government.

There have been widespread displacement, killings and destruction of civilian structures. Displaced people are also attacked by armed Arab militants.

People of Myanmar

The military conducted a coup stating the fraudulent actions of the leaders. In the military’s bid to “appease” the people, they had detained and conducted trials against Myanmar’s leaders. Nonetheless, this coup was met with mass protests. In the military’s displeasure, they launched an armed resistance and started mass killings throughout the country. The civil war in the country has displaced many.

Rohingya Muslims, an ethnic group, have also been heavily targeted in Myanmar. A mass displacement had happened years earlier due to the widespread burning and killings. Rohingyas are still facing discrimination.


Afghanistan has been dominated by conflict and unease. Many forces and foreign powers have trampled throughout this country. Destruction of civilian structures and civilian casualties was the result. A deal was reached where the United States announced the removal of its troops. In this timeframe, the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, popularly known as the Taliban, quickly gained territories. The President and the government collapsed, which resulted in the Taliban effectively gaining control.

With the Taliban gaining control, there has been a mass exodus of people. Internal displacement, as well as escaping to neighbouring countries. Afghanistan had been a country that was heavily dependent on foreign aid. This was severely halted with the takeover. Donors freezed assets and suspended humanitarian aid. As a result, there is a downward spiral in the economy, closure of health clinics and increased risks of diseases and malnutrition. Women and girls are at a greater risk of abuse- child marriage, exploitation and restrictions.


At the start of the Russian Invasion, the President claimed that it was to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. This was after several talks with world leaders while Russia steadily built up military forces along Ukraine’s borders. This invasion was done with airstrikes, tanks and forces. Over 10 million people have been internally and externally displaced. Russian forces have captured towns, destroyed civilian structures and killed civilians.

Humanitarian corridors were set up for the exodus of people, but were plagued by direct Russian attacks. Russia has also erected a blockade on Ukraine’s Black Sea Coast. This isolates it from maritime trade. Displaced people are at great risk for abuse, exploitation and trafficking.



Shan Cousins

Lessons are learnt constantly in this life. It all depends on how you apply it! Work-life balance, self-reflections and a dose of social issues.