Mass Displacement Of People-The Uprooting of Nations Part 1

Shan Cousins
4 min readApr 10, 2022


Refugee camps with tents from the displacement of people.
Photo by Ahmed akacha:

As the world continues to turn, the mass displacement of people is a topic that is continually highlighted. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has prompted a lot of conversations. It has brought comparisons to the forefront as it pertains to the handling of refugees.

It is of the utmost importance that the extent of mass displacement is shown and bared entirely. There are millions of people that had to leave their homes due to various and heartbreaking reasons. Wars, famine, drought and ethnic persecution are some of the main reasons for mass displacement. Several countries are still in that state of instability, which makes it difficult for growth and the return of people.

A refugee is a person that had to escape from their place of abode due to the disastrous nature of that place. It is a matter of survival for many to leave what is familiar. In seeking better, refugees are discriminated against. The sense of openness to accept and help is not readily seen. A refugee is not simply running away. This is a fact.

Mass displacement happens around the world and is not solely focused on one area. Displacement can be internally as well as externally.

Palestinians in Palestine

Millions of Palestinians expelled from the area as a result of the Arab-Israel War in 1948. This war caused the mass displacement of Palestinians. This group of people can be found scattered in Israel, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the surrounding countries. Palestinians face great discrimination under Israel’s rule. Amnesty International has recently reported on the Apartheid regime of Israel.

Israel has instituted several laws and policies that have been greatly discriminatory to the Palestinian population. As a result, they have poor access to education, health facilities and jobs. This system that Israel had developed also strictly prohibits free movement. Palestinians are required to produce various identifications to leave the enclaves, as well as to access essential services. They also face massacres, unlawful killings, forced evictions and building demolitions.

Tigrayans in Ethiopia

The political climate in Ethiopia is marked by instability. Military set-up around the Tigray region resulted in anticipatory self-defence according to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (ruling party of Tigray). In response to the action of Tigray’s ruling party, the Ethiopian government launched a full-scale attack.

The military operation from the government, as well as attacks from regional militias and Eritrea’s armed forces, have destroyed the area. Over two million people have fled their homes. In the Tigray region, there is a blockade by the government which further restricts humanitarian aid. This conflict resulted in widespread destruction of civilian structures, as well as numerous deaths due to the war and famine. Tigrayans also face discrimination in other areas of the country- persistent threats and mass incarceration.


The Arab Spring that swept the Arab world had many in Syria peacefully protesting. This uprising turned brutal.

Syrian- Russian military alliance and ISIS militants are the main factions responsible for the disastrous situation in the country. Non-stop conflict has resulted in civilian deaths and the destruction of civilian property. This caused millions of people to flee to neighbouring countries, Europe and North America.

Many humanitarian organizations have reported on the disregard for human rights and humanitarian law protection in Syria. There are severe restrictions on humanitarian assistance, and the country has record levels of food insecurity. Refugees that have returned have faced human rights violations. They have been abused by Syrian authorities and are arbitrarily detained.


The unification of the government was a futile experiment. Libya is riddled with tension and is currently experiencing a civil war. The country is overstrung with warring forces concerning the oil fields. Libya’s National Oil Corporation and other regional oil facilities are prime areas that the forces want to access and control. Islamic State militants are one of such forces. Tensions in the country are also due to tribal, political, religious and regional divisions.

Over 200,000 people have been internally displaced and more than one million are in need of humanitarian assistance. The civil war has caused many civilian deaths as well as the destruction of civilian structures.


There is over a decade of fighting between the government and the Islamist group Al Shabab. The country has experienced non-stop conflict due to the government, Al Shabab and foreign forces. Al Shabab controls sections of Central and Southern Somalia. This group also has influence in government-controlled areas. There is barely any state protection and businesses have to deal with double taxation from the government and the militants.

Al Shabab is noted for executed killings, extorted taxes as well as the recruitment of child soldiers. The government detains and prosecutes children that have alleged ties with Al Shabab.

Over two million people have been internally displaced. They are unassisted and are vulnerable to abuse; sexual and gender-based violence. There is ongoing interclan and inter security force violence. This has resulted in civilian deaths and injuries. Millions are facing severe hunger due to the drought in the area.

Click for Part Two



Shan Cousins

Lessons are learnt constantly in this life. It all depends on how you apply it! Work-life balance, self-reflections and a dose of social issues.